Mar Ka (previously writing as Mary Kancewick) has published law review articles and academic papers, contributed to books, published essays and poems in journals and anthologies, and has had one poem set to music three different times (as a choral piece, as an aria, and as a folk song), Be-hooved is her debut book. Several projects are in line to follow.

The poetry collection Be-hooved, a northern climate memoir in poems, published as part of the University of Alaska Press Literary Series, will be available for purchase on Amazon and in bookstores on February 15, 2019. The book can be pre-ordered on Amazon as of December 22. Preview a few poems by hovering over "Works" and clicking the "New Book Sampler" tab.

A Human
An experimental meditation on oppression and resistance. A high school student in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1972. A high school girl in Chicago learns of his self-immolation. A haunting ensues, and a conversation with present-day relevance.

Two essays and some seventy pages of poems about contemplating the end of the world as we know it.

About aging and writing and writing about aging in the context of oaring down the Noatak in an inflatable raft. A haibun travel journal in the tradition of Basho.